Zeynep's (mis)Adventures in Ruritania

arise, oh people, let us hear your voices... your voices of freedom.

Saturday, May 29

Local News

Yesterday there was a scuffle between some refugees and Ruritanian security forces outside Camp 6. Apparently one of these Ruritanians was young and new to the job, and he yelled an insult to a few refugees heading back to the camp. One of these refugees snapped and went to attack the soldier, and well, it didn't end so great, but no one was seriously injured.

It seems that there's more tension at Camp 6 then here in the Camp 5 area that I've noticed. Some of the Ruri security forces here have been well-behaved... and most seem to be Zaharian as well, so that helps to add in the sympathy element to their job.

However, it is strange to be living in a country that supports the Brn government. We're all reminded of it everytime we remember where we've relocated ourselves.

Thursday, May 27

our tragic guest

Nia, the girl my mom wants my brother to date, entered our home for the first time and sat down to eat with us. Before her arrival, she had only met my mom, Ezra, and I (just briefly at that) - so while my mom finished up dinner, I introduced her to Zoe, Zeke, and my father. By the time I completed this, dinner was ready to be eaten. We all sat down to feast.

And then came the rapidfiring of questions from my mom. And all I can say is, wow, this girl is lucky to be alive. A month ago, she was still living with her family in St. Catherine's Valley. One night, a loud noise woke her up from sleep and she heard stomping footsteps enter her house. These footsteps made their way to her parents's bedroom. She heard these men shouting at her parents that her father was to be taken to Camp 9, a detention camp in Hamraville. Her mother starting screaming and then some shots were fired. She shared a room with her younger sister who had also been woken up but remained quiet, and the gun fire started, they fled out the window. They ran to a relative's house a few kilometers away, explained to them what had happened, and within the hour, they had all left for this area. She has no idea what happened to her parents and is still trying to make contact with someone at Camp 9 who might be able to tell her if her parents are there. I'm amazed this girl didn't cry while she told us her background... I would have broken down.

At any rate, I think she'd make a good match for my brother. He's attracted to girls who have had to become independent for some reason or another. We'll see how this goes.

Monday, May 24

glad to be back

The cafe is open again! Here are some updates from the past week...

- My brother Zeke got lost in the camp when he went with Zoe and I to see another movie presentation (they showed The Bear). These movies seem to be more popular with the refugees now, so when we went to leave, he got separated in the group of people all leaving the community tent at once. We searched for 30 minutes before we found him - that place is huge, and scary in certain sections at night. He had run into a UNHCR worker who had brought him to the registration area, and this worker was none other than Ian! I couldn't believe it! So, we had another chance to chat and then Zoe, Zeke, and I headed home. We didn't say a word to our parents about it - we all know our mom would freak out if we did.

- Now that my mom's been able to go out again, she's met this young lady who sells handmade artsy things in town. After speaking a few times, she believes that this girl and Ezra would make a great couple. And of course this has both embarrased and annoyed my brother. I think both Ezra and I trust our mother's matchmaking abilities but she's so forceful about it... and to illustrate this point, my mom's invited this girl, Nia, over for dinner this Wednesday. I think it'll be a disaster, but we'll see.

Oh, Mr. Fitzgerald just gave me a big box of beef jerky that he got while he was away. Where did he go and how many more boxes did he bring back with him?