Zeynep's (mis)Adventures in Ruritania

arise, oh people, let us hear your voices... your voices of freedom.

Saturday, April 10

Rain's coming down and I listen to the sound of your voice.

I saw him again today and now I can put a name to a face! :D

While visiting Ezra at his market job, I bought a few things that my mom asked me for. I put the cabbage and apples into the paper bag I was given, and I started my journey home. As I was just stepping outside of the market area, the bottom of my bag broke and my items fell to the ground. I leaned down to pick up the now bruised apples, when I heard an attractive voice that I recognized say, "Lemme help you with that."

I looked up to see a handsome face with the most welcoming eyes I've looked into in weeks. Upon his body was adorned a UNHCR outfit. I couldn't say anything to him, as I was pre-occupied with trying to keep breathing. "Bags these days, they just don't make them as they do, huh?" I still couldn't answer although I was screaming in my head to say anything. He continued, "Oh, I'm terribly rude, my name's Ian." I still couldn't speak, and I was wondering if I had forgotten an entire language in a matter of a few seconds.

He looked at me confused and paused, and I assumed at this point that he thought I was either mute or just dumb. He laughed and then exclaimed, "Do you even understand I'm word I'm saying?" And then, my paralysis ended and I could finally say something.

"Hi," I said.
"So you did understand everything I was saying, then?" he responded good-naturedly.
"I'm Zeynep."
"Are you a refugee at the camp?"
"I'm a refugee, yes, but I don't live in the camp."
"I'm a worker there with the UNHCR, but originally I'm from Australia... oh, hold on a moment and I'll get you a functional bag."

While he did this modest task, I collected myself as to not seem so idiotic. I then remembered where I had heard his voice from before. When my family and I were visiting the camp for the first time, I heard a lovely accent and my eyes followed my ears to spot a very gorgeous camp worker, whose name I now knew... Ian! He returned, placed my items in the new bag, and said, "Well, it was nice to meet you Zeynep. I hope to see you around." And then he left.

I looked back to see my brother, laughing away. To which I gave him the evil eye and restarted my walk home.

Wednesday, April 7

knot another birthday!

Today is Zeke's birthday and he's turning 14. It's hard to believe that my younger brother is maturing into a lovely young man. To me, he's still that little baby running around calling me "Zey" because he could not pronounce Zeynep. :)

A few days ago I was speaking with Mr. Fitzgerald about not knowing what to get Zeke for his birthday. He told me to wait a minute and he went into his office. He returned with an old sailor's book about how to tie different knots in a rope. At first I was hesitant to accept the book for two reasons. The first, of course, because he wanted to just give me this book without accepting any money in return. And secondly, I didn't have any clue if my brother would be interested in a book on such a topic.

But, Mr. Fitzgerald talked me into it, telling me of his fascination with knots through his entire teenage years. Once he started working on the sea, he memorized all the types of knots he would ever use, and therefore had no more need for this book. So, I purchased some rope and hoped for the best.

And, to my surprise, Zeke loved it! Success on a birthday gift, once again.