wasting time away
I dreamt last night that I was standing in front of my home in Duchovnyville. I heard the sound of a large gust of wind coming, so I turned around to locate its position. It rippled slowly toward my house, and as it made contact with the side of the structure, it caused the entire thing to crumble.
I ducked down, trying to keep any debris from impacting my head. Once the wind ceased, I walked toward the rubble. I tried sorting through the structural parts, like bricks, wires, pipes, bars, but it was very difficult. I finally found a photograph and cleaned the dirt from it... only to find that it wasn't even a photo of my family. It was another family's. One that I didn't know.
I turned around and saw a ghost-like image of myself, only 15 years younger. I approached this girl and I asked her what happened to the house.
"It ran out of love," she answered.
"What does that mean?" I questioned.
"You stopped caring."
"That's impossible... I care about my family every day."
"But you stopped caring about yourself."
"How did I do that?" I asked the girl.
"You let me die," she bluntly said, while looking me straight in the eye. There was no emotion in her face.
That's when I woke up... in a cold sweat.
What the hell was that all about? Things just keep deteriorating around here... and I think I have let myself go. I have a difficult time caring about the things that I used to. And my family members are continually on edge. We have no idea what will happen next. Our stress levels could power a small country.