I will be so glad once our family members arrive. Not only do I believe that they will help end my mom's depression, they will also relieve the stress between Zoe and I. Zoe and I used to have a fairly normal sister to sister relationship. But now that we've been sharing a room for months on end, it's been driving me crazy. She's such a slob... it's unbelievable that doesn't get on her own nerves with how untidy she keeps her side of her room! And so this morning, I couldn't handle it anymore, I went to put her things into piles in the corner so that she couldn't deal with them later... I just hated seeing things scattered everywhere.
As I picking up various articles of her clothing, a few pieces of paper fell to the ground. My eyes glanced upon the first few lines she had written before I realized that these sheets were a personal diary. I was surprised by the few sentences that I did read, as they pertained to me. They said something like:
I think the person in my life that misunderstands me the most would be my sister. I somehow believe that she has a warped sense of who I truly am... she'll state things about me that just seem blatantly wrong.
I thought that she'd be more angry with me, not feeling hurt that I misunderstand her. I'm just annoyed with her on a level that's not composed of serious, emotional matters... but I guess that I really have misunderstood her this time. I think I'll approach her about this (which will also be admitting that I read a part of her journal, which happened my accident, but I'm sure that she'll accuse me of snooping). However, if I do ask her about this whole thing, perhaps she and I can settle our differences before Uncle Uzi and Aunt Zola arrive (which I'm sure my mom would also appreciate).
Here goes nothing!