Zeynep's (mis)Adventures in Ruritania

arise, oh people, let us hear your voices... your voices of freedom.

Saturday, May 15

silence is golden

Yesterday I came into to the cafe, but I was too upset to write anything.

Once a week or so, I like to check up on the news in Zaharia. I usually read about Duchovnyville since it's the place that I was born and raised, but there are always updates for Zahrville as well. So, yesterday, I was making the news rounds, and I saw a headline that was titled, "Bomb Hits College in Eastern Zahrville - One Killed, Two Injured." And as I went to a college in that part of town while we lived there, I thought I'd read what it had to say.

Turns out, it was the exact same college. And to make things worse, they gave the names of the person killed and the two wounded, and one of my friends was wounded. Supposedly, she was walking with a friend when the bomb hit. Her friend died once medics got to the scene. My friend was rushed to the hospital and is in critical condition. The other person injured was hit by shrapnel.


These kind of shit from the Brn really upsets me. I wish they'd just leave us alone. This is the same type of shit I've grown up with - the way these Brn treat us. One day they'll see what it feels like to be the minority and how violating oppression feels.

So, after reading this, I went back home and broke the news to my mother while I burst into tears. I took the rest of the day off, which included catching up on sleep.

Wednesday, May 12

temporary insomnia

I really hate those kinds of nights when I can't get to sleep very easily.

Monday, May 10

the poetess

I wanted to update on Saturday, but the internet was out (first time that this has happened to me). So, instead, I checked out a book from the library of Zahra al-Zahra's writings. Some of it I studied back in high school, but there's always new things to read.

Mr. Fitzgerald is a big fan of hers, and so I thought I'd share a little bit of what I've been reading over the week-end.

The gazelle runs across the muddy field like a sim-sim bird flies at night. It is not the gazelle that is hungry but instead the bird that wishes to be free. The bird never bluffs but the gazelle befriends the zebra. Independence is within the wingspan that covers the trees.

She just speaks the truth, eh?