I opened the front door this morning to find a cat waiting there. It meowed at me a few times and so I tried to pet it. It was really scared, and backed away, but it was still curious. Most likely hungry. So I went to try and find something for it to eat, but we didn't really have too much in terms of meat or milk.
I knew we couldn't keep the little thing because my dad's terribly allergic. Plus, they cost money to feed and keep healthy. We had a dog for a while when I was growing up, but one day we found him dead, having been hit by a car. It was probably one of the saddest days in my childhood... coming home to find something on the side of the road, and realizing that it was our beloved pooch. And as my days of having a pet were curtailed by a careless driver, I've always wanted to have another, but the opportunity to have a new dog enter our lives never came up again.
I called for my little brother, and showed him the cat. He loves animals, and so he sat outside with it for a little while, making it chase some string, petting it, giving it the name "Roxie," and talking to it as if it could understand him. My brother came back inside after an hour or so, sneezing a little bit. When I checked later in the day, the cat was gone. Hopefully it has a home and had just wandered off for a little while. Whatever the case, it was a nice surprise to open the door to.